
Ivanykivka School provides quality education to students!

Тенісний турнір

Захоплюючий тенісний турнір пройшов у Іваниківському ліцеї як частина проекту "Активна молодь: разом сильніші", зібравши активну та талановиту молодь з різних навчальних закладів. Цей захід не тільки сприяв зміцненню фізичного здоров'я учасників, а й надав чудову можливість для налагодження дружніх відносин між школярами.


A report on the educational process in Ivanykivka School.

Ivanykivka School is a school with a long history. It was founded in 1842. The school has a total of 780 students. The school is divided into 6 classes. The students are from different parts of Ukraine. The curriculum is focused on the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian history.

Ivanykivka School was founded in 1917. The school’s first building was erected in 1920 and the second in 1923. Classes were initially taught in Ukrainian, but Russian was introduced as the language of instruction in 1941. In 1958 the school was renamed Ivanykivka Secondary School. In 1967 the school was closed and the students were transferred to Kyiv. In 1984 the school reopened as a vocational school. In 1988 it became an educational institution for students with special needs.


Franka 52 Ivanykivka,



Opening hours
Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 6:00pm

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